Syntax10.Scn.Fnt FoldElems Syntax10.Scn.Fnt (*---------------------------------------------------------------------- Folds allows the compilation of folded texts automatically inserting error elements at the error positions. Folds.Compile (^ | * | {filename} ~) compiles the specified text(s). If the text contains folds, they are silently unfolded before the compilation. Error elements are inserted at the error positions. They can be searched for with Folds.ShowError. Old error elements are removed before every new compilation and are not stored with Edit.Store. When called from the menu bar, Folds.Compile compiles the text in the viewer to which the menu belongs. Folds.ShowError Sets the caret to the next error element after the previous caret position and displays an error message in the Log Viewer. If there is no caret set, ShowError shows the first error in the text. If an error element is contained in a folded text part, the fold is automatically expanded. ShowError expects a table of error numbers and error messages in a specific file (OberonErrors.Text for default). Folds.Restore * Collapses all folds that were unfolded during Folds.ShowErrors in the marked viewer. Folds.SetProfile A couple of settings are stored in the file Folds.Profile which is read when module Folds is loaded. When these settings are changed in Folds.Profile they can be reloaded with the command Folds.SetProfile. The default contents of Folds.Profile (which are also the default settings when Folds.Profile is missing) are as follows: compiler = Compiler.Compile /s errorFile = OberonErrors.Text showWarnings = yes The settings allow to select a different compiler, different default compilation options, and a different error message file. They also specify if error elements should be inserted for warnings. ----------------------------------------------------------------------*) Syntax10i.Scn.Fnt StampElems Alloc 30 Jun 95 Syntax10b.Scn.Fnt Syntax10.Scn.Fnt Documentation MODULE Folds; (* HM IMPORT Display, Input, Files, Fonts, Oberon, Texts, Viewers, TextFrames, MenuViewers, FoldElems; CONST profile = "Folds.Profile"; unit = LONG(TextFrames.Unit); left = 2; middle = 1; right = 0; CR = 0DX; ErrElem = POINTER TO ErrElemDesc; ErrElemDesc = RECORD(Texts.ElemDesc) err: INTEGER END; Options = ARRAY 16 OF CHAR; w: Texts.Writer; errT: Texts.Text; compName, errFile: ARRAY 24 OF CHAR; globOpt: Options; showWarnings: BOOLEAN; errors: INTEGER; PROCEDURE *NoNotify (t: Texts.Text; op: INTEGER; beg, end: LONGINT); END NoNotify; PROCEDURE *ErrCheck (e: Texts.Elem): BOOLEAN; BEGIN RETURN e IS ErrElem END ErrCheck; PROCEDURE GetOptions (VAR s: Texts.Scanner; VAR opt: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR i: INTEGER; BEGIN i := 0; WHILE s.nextCh = " " DO Texts.Read(s, s.nextCh) END; IF (s.nextCh = "/") OR (s.nextCh = "\") THEN REPEAT opt[i] := s.nextCh; INC(i); Texts.Read(s, s.nextCh) UNTIL (CAP(s.nextCh) < "A") OR (CAP(s.nextCh) > "Z") END; opt[i] := 0X END GetOptions; PROCEDURE MarkedFrame (): TextFrames.Frame; VAR v: Viewers.Viewer; x: LONGINT; BEGIN v := Oberon.MarkedViewer(); IF (v # NIL ) & (v.dsc # NIL) & ( IS TextFrames.Frame) THEN RETURN ELSE RETURN NIL END MarkedFrame; PROCEDURE OpenTempViewer (t: Texts.Text; VAR v: MenuViewers.Viewer); VAR x, y, h: INTEGER; BEGIN y := Display.Bottom; x := Display.Width-1; h := Viewers.minH; Viewers.minH := 1; v := MenuViewers.New(TextFrames.NewMenu("", ""), TextFrames.NewText(t, 0), TextFrames.menuH, x, y); Oberon.Pointer.X := x; Oberon.Pointer.Y := y; Viewers.minH := h END OpenTempViewer; PROCEDURE Show (f: TextFrames.Frame; pos: LONGINT); VAR end, delta: LONGINT; BEGIN delta := 200; LOOP end := TextFrames.Pos(f, f.X + f.W, f.Y); IF ( <= pos) & (pos < end) OR ( = end) THEN EXIT END; TextFrames.Show(f, pos - delta); DEC(delta, 20) END Show; PROCEDURE *HandleErr (E: Texts.Elem; VAR msg: Texts.ElemMsg); VAR e: ErrElem; x, y, w, h: INTEGER; keys: SET; BEGIN WITH E: ErrElem DO WITH msg: TextFrames.DisplayMsg DO IF ~msg.prepare THEN w := SHORT(E.W DIV unit); h := SHORT(E.H DIV unit); Display.ReplConst(15, msg.X0 + 1, msg.Y0 + 1, w - 2, h-2, Display.replace) END | msg: TextFrames.TrackMsg DO IF msg.keys = {middle} THEN REPEAT Input.Mouse(keys, x, y); Oberon.DrawCursor(Oberon.Mouse, Oberon.Arrow, x, y) UNTIL keys = {} END | msg: Texts.CopyMsg DO NEW(e); Texts.CopyElem(E, e); e.err := E.err; msg.e := e ELSE (*ignore it*) END END HandleErr; PROCEDURE InsertErrElems (F: TextFrames.Frame; t: Texts.Text; pos: LONGINT); VAR S: Texts.Scanner; err: INTEGER; e: ErrElem; BEGIN errors := 0; Texts.OpenScanner(S, Oberon.Log, pos); Texts.Scan(S); LOOP S.line := 0; IF S.eot THEN EXIT ELSIF (S.class = Texts.Name) & (S.s = "pos") THEN Texts.Scan(S); IF S.class = Texts.Int THEN pos := S.i ELSE EXIT END ; REPEAT Texts.Scan(S) UNTIL S.eot OR (S.class = Texts.Int); IF S.eot THEN EXIT ELSIF showWarnings OR (S.i < 300) OR (S.i > 399) THEN NEW(e); e.W := Fonts.Default.height * unit; e.H := e.W; e.handle := HandleErr; e.err := SHORT(S.i); Texts.WriteElem(w, e); Texts.Insert(t, pos + errors, w.buf); INC(errors) END END ; REPEAT Texts.Scan(S) UNTIL S.eot OR (S.line # 0) END InsertErrElems; PROCEDURE DeleteErrElems (t: Texts.Text); VAR r: Texts.Reader; pos: LONGINT; BEGIN Texts.OpenReader(r, t, 0); LOOP Texts.ReadElem(r); IF r.elem = NIL THEN EXIT ELSIF r.elem IS ErrElem THEN pos := Texts.Pos(r); Texts.Delete(t, pos-1, pos); Texts.OpenReader(r, t, pos-1) END END DeleteErrElems; (*PROCEDURE ErrVisible (f: TextFrames.Frame): BOOLEAN; VAR end: LONGINT; r: Texts.Reader; e: Texts.Elem; BEGIN end := TextFrames.Pos(f, f.X + f.W, f.Y); IF end + 1 = f.text.len THEN INC(end) END; -- ErrorElem inserted at f.text.len causes Pos to return the wrong position *) Texts.OpenReader(r, f.text,; LOOP Texts.ReadElem(r); IF (r.elem = NIL) OR (Texts.Pos(r) > end) THEN RETURN FALSE ELSIF r.elem IS ErrElem THEN RETURN TRUE END END ErrVisible; PROCEDURE GetErrMsg (err: INTEGER; VAR msg: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR s: Texts.Scanner; n: INTEGER; ch: CHAR; BEGIN Texts.OpenScanner(s, errT, 0); REPEAT Texts.Scan(s) UNTIL s.eot OR (s.class = Texts.Int) & (s.i = 0); WHILE ~ s.eot & ((s.class # Texts.Int) OR (s.i # err)) DO Texts.Scan(s) END; IF ~s.eot THEN Texts.Read(s, ch); n := 0; WHILE ~s.eot & (ch # CR) DO msg[n] := ch; INC(n); Texts.Read(s, ch) END; msg[n] := 0X END GetErrMsg; PROCEDURE SetProfile*; VAR s: Texts.Scanner; t: Texts.Text; f: Files.File; BEGIN compName := "Compiler.Compile"; errFile := "OberonErrors.Text"; globOpt := ""; showWarnings := TRUE; f := Files.Old(profile); IF f # NIL THEN NEW(t); Texts.Open(t, profile); Texts.OpenScanner(s, t, 0); Texts.Scan(s); WHILE ~ s.eot DO IF s.class = Texts.Name THEN IF s.s = "compiler" THEN Texts.Scan(s); Texts.Scan(s); COPY(s.s, compName); GetOptions(s, globOpt) ELSIF s.s = "errorFile" THEN Texts.Scan(s); Texts.Scan(s); COPY(s.s, errFile) ELSIF s.s = "showWarnings" THEN Texts.Scan(s); Texts.Scan(s); showWarnings := s.s = "yes" END END; Texts.Scan(s) END END; errT := TextFrames.Text(errFile) END SetProfile; PROCEDURE Compile*; VAR f: TextFrames.Frame; t: Texts.Text; res: INTEGER; s: Texts.Scanner; beg, end, time, pos: LONGINT; v: MenuViewers.Viewer; oldNotify: Texts.Notifier; par: Oberon.ParList; ready: BOOLEAN; opt: Options; BEGIN par := Oberon.Par; Texts.OpenScanner(s, par.text, par.pos); REPEAT Texts.Scan(s); t := NIL; f := NIL; ready := FALSE; IF par.vwr.dsc = par.frame THEN f :=; Oberon.DrawCursor(Oberon.Pointer, Oberon.Star, f.X, f.Y); Oberon.FadeCursor(Oberon.Pointer); t := f.text; opt := globOpt; ready := TRUE ELSE IF s.class = Texts.Name THEN t := TextFrames.Text(s.s) ELSIF (s.class = Texts.Char) & (s.c = "*") THEN f := MarkedFrame(); IF f # NIL THEN t := f.text END; ready := TRUE ELSIF (s.class = Texts.Char) & (s.c = "^") THEN Oberon.GetSelection(t, beg, end, time); IF time >= 0 THEN Texts.OpenScanner(s, t, beg); Texts.Scan(s); IF s.class = Texts.Name THEN t := TextFrames.Text(s.s) END END END; GetOptions(s, opt) END; IF t # NIL THEN DeleteErrElems(t); oldNotify := t.notify; t.notify := NoNotify; FoldElems.ExpandAll(t, 0, TRUE); IF f = NIL THEN OpenTempViewer(t, v) ELSE DeleteErrElems(t) END; par.text := TextFrames.Text(""); Texts.Write(w, "*"); Texts.WriteString(w, opt); Texts.Append(par.text, w.buf); par.pos := 0; pos := Oberon.Log.len; Oberon.Call(compName, par, FALSE, res); IF (res = 0) & (f # NIL) THEN InsertErrElems(f, t, pos) END; FoldElems.CollapseAll(t, {FoldElems.tempLeft}); IF f = NIL THEN Viewers.Close(v) ELSE t.notify := oldNotify; IF errors # 0 THEN t.notify(t, Texts.replace, 0, t.len) END END END UNTIL (t = NIL) OR ready END Compile; PROCEDURE ShowError*; VAR F: Display.Frame; pos: LONGINT; e: Texts.Elem; msg: ARRAY 128 OF CHAR; BEGIN IF Oberon.Par.vwr.dsc = Oberon.Par.frame THEN F := ELSE F := END; WITH F: TextFrames.Frame DO IF F.hasCar THEN pos := F.carloc.pos ELSE pos := 0 END; FoldElems.FindElem(F.text, pos, ErrCheck, e); IF e # NIL THEN pos := Texts.ElemPos(e); Show(F, pos); Oberon.PassFocus(Viewers.This(F.X, F.Y)); TextFrames.SetCaret(F, pos + 1); GetErrMsg(e(ErrElem).err, msg); Texts.WriteString(w, msg); Texts.WriteLn(w); Texts.Append(Oberon.Log, w.buf) END ELSE END ShowError; BEGIN Texts.OpenWriter(w); SetProfile END Folds.